About Me

My name is Sam. I operate a kitchen garden and micro nursery in the heart of Oklahoma City. I love to grow all kinds of plants for garden, landscape, and home.

My garden goal is to grow plants for a continuous harvest of fruits, roots, and vegetables throughout the year. I use no-dig methods, and I never use synthetic herbicides or pesticides. Wherever possible I cultivate species and varieties that are adapted to where I live herein central Oklahoma, Zone 7a.

My micro nursery is focused on starting seasonally appropriate varieties of plants that I use in my own garden, and that I can sell at market. Marketing plants allows me to offset my costs, and allows me to keep experimenting in the garden.

I also specialize in growing native perennials. Native plants provide the triple benefit of beauty in the garden, ease of care, and sustenance for insect and bird species.

During season I also have limited supplies of fresh garden produce. Generally, I try to sell unique varieties that are uncommon in local markets.

You can find a list of the plants and products I have available for sale now here.